Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hello to our newest family!!!

A very warm welcome to our newest twin family – Jemma and Matt and their babies, Lola and Olly who arrived three weeks ago! We hope to see you at twins group soon! x

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Come and help us celebrate our first birthday

baby boogie

Family Disco –  from newborns to grown ups!
Sunday 1st April 2012
Peebles Rugby Club
£5 per family*

Licensed bar, kids snacks, face painting and games.

Tickets available from Rosetta Playgroup, Mudhoney Cafe, 
Cardrona Village Hall (Thursday mornings) or by calling 
Susanne: 07779090040 or Amy: 07807019432.

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

*Extended family need to buy their own ticket

Sunday, 12 February 2012

New Volunteers Needed

Can you spend a couple of hours each Thursday to help out with our Twins Club? We need volunteers to help us make tea and kids snacks, tidy up and maybe even feed a baby or two. If you are interested please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.

Call Clare on 07575857585

We are One (nearly)!

Exciting plans are underway to mark Peeblesshire Twins Club's first birthday! It's going to be spectacular, so watch this space for details!!

New arrivals!

A warm welcome to our newest members, Cat's baby twins, Leon and Giorgia!! x